How is Life Coaching different from Therapy? Or just talking with a best friend?

Life Coaching is not therapy. Life coaching focuses on the present and the client's future. Life coaches help people move forward, exploring options and goals to help the client move toward the life they want. Most life coaching clients are healthy, successful people that want more out of life, may feel a little stuck, or want to make a change in their life. 

Best friends are terrific! Everyone should have one, two or three best friends. Often, best friends know you well - but that also means they can be too close or too emotionally involved in your situations. Also, they aren't always willing to tell you the truth because they don't want to risk losing the relationship. They don't always call you out and call you forward towards your dreams and goals. They aren't necessarily equipped to challenge your thoughts and best action steps. Best case scenario - have a best friend and a coach!

Let me speak life-giving truths into your heart TODAY so that you can walk in clarity, freedom and wholeness!

"Coaching to catalyze"

Roxanne has finished her advanced certificate in Christian Life Coaching through THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF CHRISTIAN COUNSELORS.

In 1 Thessalonians 5:11, it tells us to "encourage one another and build each other up". Roxanne's heart is to live this out as a life coach. She helps each of her client reframe, reset and clarify direction and purpose for their life.

"I went to a counselor for almost a year, it was helpful, BUT  the 20 minutes of 'truth talk' that you spoke into me today helped more than all those counseling sessions I went to last year!  Thank you!"

Individual and Group Coaching available.​​

​"Life coaching is a partnership between a client and coach. 

One-on-one coaching requires commitment from both sides. 

It is this mutual commitment that fosters a culture of trust and growth.

Life coaching is focused on the here and now; not the past. We look for ways to move forward. And I believe you have the answers inside you - they are just sometimes hidden. A coach is someone that helps you find those answers; someone that knows you, is for you, wants your success, isn't afraid of you, and is on your team. A coach can help you see what you couldn't see on your own. 

Life Coaching is supportive and positive. At the end of a coaching session, you should feel uplifted, encouraged, motivated, lighter, and more positive. 

​As a Life Coach client, you are responsible for your communication, decisions and actions. A coach may offer insight, ask you to think differently about something, make suggestions, ask hard questions, offer feedback, but you decide what works for you. 

​As your coach, my passion is to see you get from where you are to where you want to be.  I want the extraordinary life inside of you to make it to the outside of you."

Life Coaching